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How Does Concrete Mixing Plant Measure Moisture

Hzs75 concrete batching plant has a laboratory ratio, and theoretical ratio, during the curing period, do tests, the strength reaches the safety factor range, according to the ratio notice issued by the laboratory for various types of proportioning, water, sand, etc., are mechanical quantity, enough is stopped, non-manual measurement. After mixing, the concrete slump is measured, and the water content can be calculated according to the slump formula.

Concrete mixing machinery related questions and answers

Q: WHY does JS1000 concrete mixer have square cylinder and cylinder? Is it just a different look?

Answer: The square cylinder of JS1000 concrete mixer and cylinder, basically undertake consideration from exterior aspect, square cylinder design is more beautiful, give a person more thick and sedate sense. There is no difference in the use of the two.

hzs75 concrete batching plant

Q: How big a transformer would it take to build 25 concrete stations?

Answer: build a HZS25 concrete mixing plant production line, the total power of the transformer is not less than 80KW.

Q: How much does it cost to build the basic part of the HZS90 concrete mixing plant?

Answer: the construction of the cost of the foundation, involving the cost of labor, concrete price cost, the cost of steel embedded plate, so the regional differences are very big, this can not be said.

Q: WHAT kind of bucket does the HZS180 concrete mixing plant use?

Answer: Domestic HZS180 concrete mixing plant, all adopt conveyor belt feeding way.

Q: What do HZS60 concrete mixing plants have? What else is needed besides the stirring equipment itself

Answer: Answer: a concrete mixing plant, in addition to the mixing equipment, also includes concrete transport truck, pump truck, weighing loadometer, sand shovel truck, experimental equipment, maintenance equipment and so on.

Q: How does the Hzs75 concrete stations work? Is it the bucket?

Answer: according to the relevant standards of the industry, HZS75 mixing plant, are used to lift the bucket to lift the way of this feeding.

js2000 concrete mixers

Q: How much does it cost to build Hzs75 concrete stations?

Answer: answer: a set of HZS50 type mixing plant stirring equipment, investment about 300 thousand yuan, if add concrete transport truck, forklift truck, loadometer, experimental equipment, the cost will be higher.

Q: How much is the JS2000 concrete mixer? Are they usually used in single or mixing plants?

Answer: JS2000 belongs to the host used by large concrete mixing station, belongs to the key component that forms a complete set to use, resemble this kind of host commonly, do not use alone, unit price is in 180,000 or so.

Q: HZS120 gravel mixing plant, how many of its weighing accuracy can be achieved

Answer: According to relevant industry standards, the allowable error range of the weighing accuracy of sand and gravel aggregate is: ±2%, and the weighing accuracy of other raw materials is: ±1%

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