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Components of Yhzs Concrete Batching Plant

Yhzs25 concrete batching plant is a concrete mixing equipment developed according to the actual needs of users who need frequent transfers, short construction periods and long construction lines. It combines the material storage, weighing, transportation, and transportation of traditional concrete mixing plants. The mixing, unloading and fully automatic control systems are concentrated on one trailer unit. In addition to the functions of a complete concrete mixing plant, it also has the advantages of convenient movement, flexible disassembly and assembly, and simple storage management.

yhzs25 mobile concrete batch plant

Components of yhzs25 concrete batch plant

1. Mainframe chassis,

a. A cantilever-shaped mixing main engine chassis, which contains the towing pin and parking legs of the trailer truck.

b. The weighing scale of mixer, cement, water and additives is placed on the chassis.

c. There are patrol walks, railings, etc. attached to the surrounding area.

2. The control room of the concrete mixing plant. The control room is at the bottom of the chassis of the main engine, and the automatic control system of the yhzs25 mobile concrete batching plant is installed inside. The control room is the front support point of the whole station when it is working. The control room is stowed and stored in the bracket during transfer. Inside; all its control circuits do not need to be disassembled.

yhzs25 concrete batch plant

3. Aggregate batching measurement. This system is located at the back end of the whole station. The upper part is an aggregate (sand, stone) storage hopper. The storage hopper can be divided into 2 or 4 grids, and a heightening plate is set to increase the storage capacity. The doors are opened sequentially by pneumatic operation, and the aggregate measurement is a multi-material cumulative measurement method. The bottom is equipped with a walking rear axle and frame legs for working.

4. Peripheral components. The external components of yhzs25 mobile concrete batch plant are cement silo and screw conveyor. The external components are integral parts during work or transportation and do not need to be disassembled, so they can be transported and disassembled as a whole.

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